
Developer & Publisher
Mars Touch Studio
Based in Marseille, France
Current release
Steam PRE-ALPHA DEMO 0.78.3 (July 3, 2023)
GameJolt PRE-ALPHA DEMO 0.78.3 (July 3, 2023)
Itchio PRE-ALPHA DEMO 0.78.3 (July 3, 2023)
Release date
Steam GAME (May 2024)
Steam DEMO (July 2023)
GameJolt DEMO (July 2023)
Itchio DEMO (July 2023)
Steam ($7.99)
GameJolt (DEMO only) ($0)
Itchio (DEMO only) ($0)
Steam (Windows 64-bit)
GameJolt (Windows 64-bit)
Itchio (Windows 64-bit)
Press / Business contact
Social media

About the game

As the legend says: In the abyss is swallowed up the knowledge of the old gods.


In Underwater Diving, you are an underwater diver surrounded by aggressive fish and mines.
Collect the black corals to clean the idols.
Once all the idols have been cleaned, the exit will be free. But be careful, leaving a level is a one-way trip. So you have to be careful not to leave anything interesting behind either.
Explorers will be rewarded!
Collect energy bushes, which in addition to filling your energy gauge will increase its maximum. But above all find the precious red corals, the only way to increase the level of the diver and therefore all its characteristics.
If during the first levels you can and must both dodge and flee confrontations. You will have to become stronger to face the dangers and the immensity of the last levels. Labyrinthine levels that put your sense of direction to the test.

USP: Your energy represents both your life, your stamina and your oxygen.


  • Your energy represents both your life, your stamina and your oxygen.
  • You will have to improve your characteristics to survive.
  • Face underwater creatures and their unique hunting strategies.
  • Explore and get lost in labyrinthine levels.
  • More than 50 achievements.
  • At least 4h to complete the game at 100%.

The DEMO contains Tutorial level + The first 4 levels.

Designer's notes

The estimated time to finish the game is the time it takes me to finish it 100%.
So it will take you at least twice as long.
For the content of my games, I always prioritize quality over quantity.

About releases

Current releases:

  • Available for Windows 64-bit on Steam (May 2024).
  • PRE-ALPHA DEMO 0.78.3 available for Windows 64-bit on Steam.
  • PRE-ALPHA DEMO 0.78.3 available for Windows 64-bit on GameJolt and Itchio.

Last updated on March 21, 2024



Red Fish THX
Small Mine THX


Main Menu
Main Menu - Continue/Restart
Your ENERGY is both you HP, your STAMINA and...
your OXYGEN, so you are constantly losing energy
Diver can RUSH for powerful ACCELERATION and ATTACK
WARNING, a RUSH costs energy!
To BRAKE underwater, you have to swim in the opposite direction
IDOLS are like LOCKS
Red corals are bonuses that improve your diver's characteristics
The blast from their explosion can throw you into other dangers
Stunned you will be at the mercy of carnivorous fish
Black corals are like keys
Leaving a level is a one way trip!
WARNING! Your energy state is kept between levels!
It is a very good source of energy
Minefields can produce chain reactions 1 on 3
Minefields can produce chain reactions 2 on 3
Minefields can produce chain reactions 3 on 3
Dartfish are ambush predators
Bloodfish hunt in groups
If a Bloodfish spots you, it will transmit your location to others 1 on 4
If a Bloodfish spots you, it will transmit your location to others 2 on 4
If a Bloodfish spots you, it will transmit your location to others 3 on 4
If a Bloodfish spots you, it will transmit your location to others 4 on 4
POWERFUL and TOUGH, it can PUSH you BACK violently!
Gameplay 1 on 4
Gameplay 2 on 4
Gameplay 3 on 4
Gameplay 4 on 4

Logos & Covers

Underwater Diving Cover 1080p
Underwater Diving Banner Itchio 1080p
Underwater Diving Cover 1080p Square
Underwater Diving Cover Itchio
Underwater Diving Logo
Mars Touch Studio Cover V2
Mars Touch Studio Logo
Olivier Raveneau Logo
Steam Library Hero
Steam Library Logo Transparent
Steam Library Capsule
Steam Store Capsule Vertical
Steam Store Capsule Header
Steam Store Capsule Main
Steam Store Capsule Small
Steam Store Page Background
Steam Store Broadcast Left
Steam Store Broadcast Right
Steam Team Couv Mars Touch Studio
Steam Team Couv Underwater Diving

Team & Collaborators

Code & Game Design
Olivier Raveneau (MTS)
Pixel Art
Luis Zuno aka Ansimuz (Game Assets)
lukasfdahl (Country Flags)
Sandro Luiz De Paula aka Ansdor (Inputs UI)
SFX & Environmental Sound
Gamemaster Audio
Game Sound Solutions
Rocklynn Productions
Epic Stock Media
Brian MacIntosh aka BMacZero
Stormwave Audio
Menu Music
Game Music
Credits Music


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